For The Rest Of My Life | Maher Zain
This is the promo video of For The Rest of My Life by Maher Zain. I am waiting for this music video for months and now the music video will be released soon. When I watch the promo video, it has already gives me a good impression about the upcoming music video. Besides, I have listened to this song for countless of times and I have liked this song since last year or to be precise, since I first listened to this song. I hope the music video will be as good as 'InsyaAllah' music video. I do not know when will this music video be released but what I know, I cannot wait for it. I will post the music video after it has released. Enjoy the video!
Short review about the video. The music video is just amazing. The technology used in the music video makes the music video fabulous. But, I don't like Maher Zain to just sit on the couch and sing the song. I was expecting better than that. I was expecting he and his wife going through life together and facing ups and downs together until they are old. Anyway, I love the song and the music video though the music video is not as good as InsyaAllah music video. I am hoping Barakallah will have its own music video in the future. good luck to Maher Zain! :D
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